Hello there!
Welcome to my personal blogging website. My name is Gokul K Shibu. I’m an engineer working in Embedded systems. This is the special place where I share my thoughts with the world on numerous amusing topics.
This website was brought to life in the spirit of upholding my mission statement.
To provide value to people around me through deepening and diversifying my expertise in hope of instilling a better future.
Feel free to reach out to me if you feel like having a delightful conversation.
My Story
Sorry to disappoint you by not having any tragic life story.
My story too is of a confused youngster trying to make sense and be part of a world beyond his fathom. Desperately trying to not get lost in the storm and wind that’s been thrown at us occasionally.
After hearing much about the magic of the internet which can open a virtual gateway to meet amazing people like you, how could I resist? I jumped right into it.
My story is what glimpse at you when you read my blog posts. So if you want to hear about my story, keep reading my blog posts.

Reach out to me at contact@latenightjournals.com for your feedback!