How to not die alone

Table of Content Book Details Book wrap-up Should you read ‘How to not die alone’? My Book Notes of ‘How to not die alone’. CHAPTER 1 WHY DATING IS HARDER NOW THAN EVER BEFORE CHAPTER 2 THE THREE DATING TENDENCIES CHAPTER 3 DISNEY LIED TO US CHAPTER 4 DON’T LETContinue Reading


Table of Content Book Details Book wrap-up Should you read Ikigai? My Book Notes of Ikigai. I. Ikigai II. Antiaging SecretsIII. From Logotherapy to Ikigai IV. Find Flow in Everything You Do V. Masters of Longevity VI. Lessons from Japan’s Centenarians VII. The Ikigai Diet VIII. Gentle Movements, Longer Life IX.Continue Reading


Table of Content Book Details Book wrap-up Should you read Hyperfocus? My Book Notes of Hyperfocus Review of Hyperfocus My Rating 📃 Book Details Name: Hyperfocus: How to Work Less to Achieve MoreOriginally published: 28 August 2018 Author: Chris Bailey Genre: Self-help book Language: ‎ EnglishPage: ‎ 256 pages 🚀 Book wrap-upContinue Reading

Atomic habits

‘Atomic habits’ was introduced to me as a life-changing book by a YouTuber named Ali Abdaal. Thus the bar of expectation was set flying high. Nevertheless, I picked this book up because of embarrassing reasons like, it had a nice book cover and an interesting book title. Did the bookContinue Reading

I remember being intrigued when I heard someone praising this book as an astonishingly revolutionary book. This book contains groundbreaking philosophical ideals that question everything about how we live our modern life. I wasn’t desperate to lie out a path to achieve eternal happiness or anything. I was just curiousContinue Reading