Suryanelli Dhanushkodi Travelogue
What was the last exciting thing you did? I often felt embarrassed and secretly ashamed by this question because I often had nothing to say. There was a job I had. I stayed at my home, did some things on the weekends. But nothing more. There was a routine, aContinue Reading
The Science of Well-Being
The following are my lecture notes from a MOOC course in Coursera called The Science of Well-Being by Yale University. Click here if you want to check out that course. Why are we unhappy? Let’s look at the reason why we are unhappy before we try to solve it. Usually our intuitionsContinue Reading
Opening doors to opportunities
Opportunities remind me of all those spooky UFOs we have seen on the internet. Everyone knows and heard about it but very few have seen it in real. Opportunities are very much a UFO in that regard. Despite all of us searching for it, very few have managed to findContinue Reading
Wrong yardstick
Imagine that we are sipping a cup of coffee and having a nice evening conversation. At one point, I just casually slipped in a question, how’s everything going in your life? You might shrug it off blabbing things are great and you are fine. Think that I’m your close friendContinue Reading
Book Summary: The Defining Decade
Table of Content Book Details Book wrap-up Should you read The Defining Decade? Review of The Defining Decade My Book Notes of The Defining Decade. My Rating 📃 Book Details Name – The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter And How to Make the Most of Them Now Author – Meg Jay LanguageContinue Reading
Behavioral Economics for Trust
Has anyone broken your trust? The answer is a definite yes for anyone. Let’s not get started on how horrible that feels. It would have made your heart sink and made you feel like a total fool. Strangely, it happens to all of us. I think we have a trustContinue Reading
Book Summary: The Definitive Book of Body Language
🗂 Table of Content Book Details Book wrap-up Should you read The Definitive Book of Body Language? My Book Notes of The Definitive Book of Body Language. Review of The Definitive Book of Body Language My Rating 📃 Book Details Name – The Definitive Book of Body Language: The Hidden Meaning BehindContinue Reading