The Science of Well-Being

The following are my lecture notes from a MOOC course in Coursera called The Science of Well-Being by Yale University. Click here if you want to check out that course. Why are we unhappy? Let’s look at the reason why we are unhappy before we try to solve it. Usually our intuitionsContinue Reading


Plan to start a colorful vlog? maybe a thoughtful blog. Is it an engaging YouTube channel or even a fun podcast? Let me guess, you are bored with your conventional routine job and make a living out of the things that you do actually love to do. Right? Hmm. ThatContinue Reading

Hey all, let me tell you a story. For that l need a character, let’s say a little kid named Adam. That seems alright. Let our little Adam be that cute chubby kid that just takes your breath away when he plays with you and makes you skip a beatContinue Reading