Body shaming

Do you go to the gym? Is it because you want to ward off sickness and jump around even in your forties? Is it because you want to flex your biceps to impress the ladies or finally have that zero size you been dreaming about? The answer to these questionsContinue Reading


Before we start how journaling changed me, let’s admit that daily journaling is not a fancy habit that you would put in your new year’s resolution. It’s thought of as a habit reserved for the scholars and people of letters. Is it your cup of tea? It does seem pointlessContinue Reading


Plan to start a colorful vlog? maybe a thoughtful blog. Is it an engaging YouTube channel or even a fun podcast? Let me guess, you are bored with your conventional routine job and make a living out of the things that you do actually love to do. Right? Hmm. ThatContinue Reading

I remember being intrigued when I heard someone praising this book as an astonishingly revolutionary book. This book contains groundbreaking philosophical ideals that question everything about how we live our modern life. I wasn’t desperate to lie out a path to achieve eternal happiness or anything. I was just curiousContinue Reading

Hey all, let me tell you a story. For that l need a character, let’s say a little kid named Adam. That seems alright. Let our little Adam be that cute chubby kid that just takes your breath away when he plays with you and makes you skip a beatContinue Reading

It was the much-awaited second year of college. Everyone was excited to finally discard the fresher tag that was stamped on us when we joined college. Deep-rooted in a staggeringly common existential crisis, I had an itchy longing for doing something big that year. I wanted to invent something! AsContinue Reading